Audition Sign Up
General Information
Auditions are open to homeschool students ages 12-19. You must be 12 years old by the day of auditions to participate.
Participating in auditions does not automatically guarantee you a role in the show. You will be notified by email within a week after the audition if you have been cast or cut.
Auditions are conducted as a group. There are no callbacks.
There is no monetary cost to audition.
You do not need to bring a headshot or acting resume. You will need to bring a completed audition form that will be emailed to you shortly after signing up. (see details at the bottom of this page)
Rehearsals will take place on Fridays 3 pm - 5 pm at 5600 110th St E, Northfield.
For the 2025 Spring show, rehearsals start on Jan 17 and performances are Apr 11 & 12.
Audition Prep

Cast & Crew Expectations
Participation Fee: Each student who is cast will be charged $95 to cover the cost of rehearsing and performing (scenery, royalty fees, scripts, and more). Payment is due by the first rehearsal. Cash or check is accepted. Each cast member will receive two complimentary tickets for their friends and family (two total, not per performance).
Costuming: Students are required to provide their own costumes. A costuming guide is provided with ideas for each character on the Callboard tab (available only to current cast members).
Scheduling: Students are expected to attend every rehearsal they are scheduled to be in unless they have a prior conflict, have notified the director (via the audition sheet), and have been excused. All cast and crew members are required to attend every performance. A rehearsal schedule is made available on the Callboard tab (available only to current students).
Code of Conduct: All cast and crew are expected to be...
Respectful & Courteous: Students listen, follow instructions from all staff members, and work with kindness and understanding with their fellow actors. Students will treat our props, scenery, and rented facilities with care and respect.
Timely: Students are present and fully ready to go when rehearsal is scheduled to begin.
Responsible & Prepared: Students can be trusted to perform the tasks they are assigned in a timely manner. They practice and prepare their roles at home between rehearsals based on the notes given to them by the director or coach.
Willing Participants: Students are willing and active listeners and participants in all exercises, games, and rehearsal activities.
Flexible & Collaborative: Students are teachable and do their best to work with the staff and fellow actors to create a collaborative performance--sometimes in spite of personal preferences.​
Audition Preparation
When you sign up to audition, you will be emailed an Audition Form and an Audition Script.
(Don't see it within 24 hours of singing up? Check your spam folder or email us at GYATtheater@outlook.com)
Audition Form: Please print, complete, and turn the audition form in to the director on audition day before the auditions begin. Students under 18 years old must have a guardian's email address and signature on their form. Be sure to fill out the availability section as accurately as possible. You will not be considered for a role if you do not bring your completed audition form.
Audition Script: This must be printed, stapled together, and brought to the audition. You do not need to memorize the script, but you should be familiar enough with it that you can focus on performing rather than reading unfamiliar words during the audition.